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This was really helpful to me to get my domain name without the "www" to resolve to the main page of my blog. I am going to try that step you suggested. Thank you.

One quick question: I have been frustrated in that Google has not indexed my site, even though I have been up for six months now, and with many very popular inbound links from highly rated blogs. What am I doing wrong? I even have Adsense serving up highly relevant ads to my site, yet Google's index still refuses to include me. Does the domain mapping, and the unresolved domain without the WWW have anything to do with it. All inbound links point to my domain, and not Typepad's URL. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Charlie Wood

This is exactly the info I was looking for. One question though: when I forward the domain to the www record of itself, GoDaddy tells me that I need to be using their 'parked domain' servers for forwarding to work. Do I need oto modify my domain to use those servers for this solution?



Bless you my child..
After five days of sheer hades and back you solved my problem in 2 hours... Bless you.

Joe Hutsko

Hi, thanks for the very helpful post. I'm confused, however, at the part near the end that starts with "Then comes a very non-obvious step, and that is to set (reset) the forward on the domain name so that the exampledomain.com domain name is forwarded through your GoDaddy control panel to point to http://www.exampledomain.com." You don't explain how to actually do the reset you describe. Or if you do, I missed it. Can you clarify? In other news, I've been unable to FTP to my joeygadget.com site directly, and must enter the IP address instead, which seems to have something to do with why I can't seem to verify this site via Google site verification. When I log in FTP it says typepad cannot be found, etc. Very confused, and I agree, it sure would be nice if there was an easier way to do this on GoDaddy. Thanks in advance for your help as far as the reset question, above. Joe


only one hint.

typepad had me confused with the complete final step button. I didn't realize that the radio buttons would appear AFTER I clicked that. I mean complete final step sounded like the end and I needed to point the domain to the new weblog I am setting up for a friend/myself. I was going in circles and lets face it with the way things are on the net I didn't assume it would appear after. Took the plunge when I didn't get a straight answer because if you were saying it should appear it must.

Dang it did.

After I clicked complete final step.
[blinks like owl] Can I go back to doing design now?

Again without your post I would have been lost.

Debra Hamel

Your directions have saved me more times than I can count. Just thought I'd finally thank you!

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